Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Ex 2.3

The Supermarket Hierarchy Background Information: •Ruiz is a hard working bagger who has a big dream to run a thriving supermarket of her own in the future. Her family is not privileged or wealthy enough to afford an education and therefore can not send her to college even though she is very smart. In order to help her family's financial situation as well as her own, she has been working in Z market as a bagger for one and half years. She thinks that it is time for a promotion since she works so much harder than other employees. •Ying is the manager of Z market. His father worked with the owner of the Z market's franchise for many years prior when they were young. Because of this, Ying's father and the boss are the best friends. Through this connection, Ying was able to get his title of manager right away after just two years working for the Z market as a manager helper. His family is very rich and he has never worried about his future, giving him the idea that he can obtain anything without any effort. Because of this, he is not a very good manager. •Steadman is one of the many cashiers of Z market. She has been working at the company for 6 years and has acquired knowledge as to how the system functions. Early in the day, Ruiz gets ready to go back to her post after her 1 hour lunch beak. On the way back, she decides to discuss her much needed promotion with her boss. "Excuse me sir," Ms. Ruiz said walking up to her job's manager on her break, "May I talk to you today after work about my job?" Manager Ying turned to his employee of almost 2 years, "Yes, but in the meantime make sure that you put customers' items into bags, don't give them extra plastic bags unless they ask for it! Don't double bag their groceries unless it is necessary." "Yes sir." Ruiz walks to her post and continues on with the day's work while occasionally assisting other employees. Later that day, towards closing time, Ruiz bags her last customer’s items. After putting away and securing the grocery carts, Ms. Ruiz walks over to her manager's office and knocks on the door. "Come on in!" yelled Manager Ying as he filled out some papers. "Hello, sir." Ms. Ruiz said, closing the door behind her. "Have a seat Ms. Ruiz. What is it that you wanted to talk to me about? Are you planning on leaving Z market?" "No, this is actually about furthering my career in Z market. I’ve been working here for almost two years now and I believe that I have performed above and beyond. I was wondering about maybe... if... I... It was possible for me to have a promotion?" "You are actually asking me for a promotion, correct?" "Yes! Even Ms. Steadman the cashier has told me that I deserve one! She also thinks that I have been excelling in my area." "I see, Ms. Ruiz. Listen, I know you have worked very hard and very well for the past two years, and I like that about you a lot! But listen carefully, this is not only about hard work. We currently have enough cashiers, deli service workers, or any positions above that that you are thinking about. You need education. You know even just a diploma without knowledge is fine!" "I know... But the thing is, I’ve worked here for long time, and I like this supermarket a lot. I’ve read enough and worked here enough to know how it works. Can you please give me a chance?" "Hum... Ruiz, you know I just told you the truth and my thoughts on the matter. I have a meeting to go to, so let’s stop right here and think about it overnight." "......Thank you, and hope you have a nice day." Night Outside of the market "Damn, why he didn't give me promotion today? I tried so hard last one and half year just for this thing!" said Ruiz. "Oh, come on. You went to talk to manager just for promotion? I can answer you now! It is impossible! Everything in the supermarket has a single purpose. Once you're hired for a certain position that's it. That's where you are stuck unless you quit and look for anon elsewhere. You are in a rut with this company and as long as you stay, you always will be no matter how hard you try to go forward."

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