Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Exercise 3

Dear King,
            Everything’s changing in the modern world, and as we’re experiencing right now things are changing within our own worlds as well. I found a way we can better understand the situation that we’re in which was to compare Sally Mann’s work to Akeisha Nabeta’s letter to Rush Limbaugh. They both are courageous people that forced people to view things differently even though it seemed negative at first, which is what we need to start doing.
            In the letter to Rush Limbaugh, Nabeta explains her admiration for Limbaugh’s different yet unique approach to his opponents. Saying his assertive nature is something she praises since most people typically let others finish giving their opinion before debating. Yes, he may not have factual evidence to support himself but he is able to make people think twice. To make people question themselves even! He was able to enlighten Nabeta and change her opinion on a situation. He was able to state what he wanted to and take the criticism.
            Sally Mann viewed things in a different light, too. Perhaps she is a better example of opening your eyes and mind than the last. Looking at her photos for the first time anyone would be doubtful. Most viewers considered her art pornographic and even went as far as to claim it as evidence of bad parenting. However, taking a deeper look you can see that she’s aggressive taking an approach to childhood that I’m sure all parents are afraid to face. Like Limbaugh, she forces those who gaze upon her work to grip things, experiences in an entirely new way. The messages that she conveys are also ones that are present but people turn a blind eye to. She expresses the lurking realities of adulthood through black and white photos of her children during hot summers. These photos often depict her children nude, which immediately turns people away but a deeper look into it you realize that the lack of clothing is symbolic to the freedom children have. The art Sally Mann feeds us teaches us that sometimes we have to see things we don’t want to see, no matter how innocent the subject is.
            Both pieces open the readers’ eyes to a whole new perspective. It’s almost as if a door has opened up. Whether it is true or not, we need to discover what is being shown to us. Once that happens, we will have a better understand of another person, or maybe even the world. Both Mann and Limbaugh demonstrate the sense of ignorance in human beings that we need to overcome. They both strive to steer people away from the common narrow minded views that we are grown into and shows us something that our conscious pushes away indirectly. We must do the same in our situation and look at things entirely differently. Instead of seeing the situation Princess is in as something negative and maybe even a little distant, we should try to view it as a new beginning to her journey. Maybe even as a new person leaving an old road.

Brianna Ruiz

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