Monday, September 10, 2012

Freewrite 2

After reading the article, I feel as though the photograph is portraying the soon-to-be realities of adulthood through a mere child. In an essence it’s foreshadowing what is to become of Jessie Mann by enabling her to “smoke” a candy cigarette.
                I’d caption this photo as simply “22 in 12” because of the conflicting age portrayed within the content of the photo.  Jessie is a young child in the photo no more than thirteen years but her gaze and posture indicate otherwise. To me, her structure oozes with the realities of adulthood, as if she’s mentally lived longer than her age. She seems to be grown up, her statue poised as if the act of smoking has become routine. Therefore, it's as if she was born an elder woman in an infant's body. She's 22 living in a 12 year old's body.

1 comment:

  1. Ms. Ruiz,
    please create your comments so that they are emailed to you to accept and publish rather than have them automatically publish here. If you recall I asked your classmate to guide on this...perhaps you best email her to check on the way to properly achieve this.
